
Yorkbeach Proud Paddington was born on the 25th of January 2020, he is from Daisy's fourth litter

Paddington is a well proven stud dog. As of 1 January 2025 he has sired 16 litters containing a total of 125 puppies, an average of just under 8 puppies per litter. His most recent litter contained a record number for him of 12 puppies.

He belongs to a young family near Merthyr Tydfil and gets on well with everyone, people and dogs. He is a handsome, sweet-natured, young dog with a lovely temperament and a majestic golden coat.

His hip score is 6-6, well below (better) than the breed average and his elbow score is 0-0, which is perfect. Paddington has a clear eye certificate and 1 PLA (Gonioscopy) score, which is good. He also is DNA tested clear of all the 3 conditions for which the Kennel Club keeps an official record – PRA1, PRA2 and ICT(A), which is the best possible.

Paddington’s father, George, featured in a photo shot for a dog food manufacturer and has achieved a Junior Warrant. His mother, Daisy, achieved the Good Citizen Gold award and had three full siblings who are assistance dogs.

Paddington is one of very few health tested, proven, show line, golden retriever stud dogs with a true golden colour. His looks, personality and superb health results mean that his puppies are always in demand. Such is the level of interest that we maintain a list of people waiting for one of his puppies and we already have plenty ready to welcome a puppy in the new year.

During 2023 a number of breeders, including some well established kennel name holders, had difficult finding homes for their puppies and/or had to reduce their prices - but breeders who chose Paddington as the sire for their puppies had no such problems. As well as being suitable for pet homes, his puppies are usually suitable for Assistance Dog charities, with five so far owned by such organisations: Dogs for Good have one of his puppies while Guide Dogs have four of his puppies.

We recommend that any bitch who comes to Paddington has her hips and elbows scored as well as an eye test. While we advise doing these health tests before she is in season, we may be able to help you find somewhere to get them done quickly if need be. We now need to have her blood tested for its progesterone level to determine the best time for mating; again we know of good places testing.

If you wish to enquire about using Paddington as a stud dog, please make sure you include the following information: the Kennel Club registered name of your bitch, when you are expecting her in season (or when she came into season if she is already in season) and details of any health tests she has had that are not showing on the KC site.


